Module ErgoSpec.Translation.ErgotoErgoC

Translates contract logic to calculus

Require Import String.
Require Import List.

Require Import ErgoSpec.Backend.ErgoBackend.
Require Import ErgoSpec.Common.Utils.Misc.
Require Import ErgoSpec.Common.Utils.Provenance.
Require Import ErgoSpec.Common.Utils.Names.
Require Import ErgoSpec.Common.Utils.Result.
Require Import ErgoSpec.Common.Types.ErgoType.
Require Import ErgoSpec.Ergo.Lang.Ergo.
Require Import ErgoSpec.ErgoC.Lang.ErgoC.
Require Import ErgoSpec.ErgoC.Lang.ErgoCSugar.
Require Import ErgoSpec.Translation.ErgoCompContext.

Section ErgotoErgoC.
  Context {bm:brand_model}.

Translate Ergo expression to calculus
  Fixpoint ergo_expr_to_ergoc_expr (ctxt:compilation_context) (e:laergo_expr) : eresult ergoc_expr :=
    match e with
    | EThisContract prov =>
      match ctxt.(compilation_context_current_contract) with
      | None => use_contract_not_in_contract_error prov
      | Some _ => esuccess (thisContract prov)
    | EThisClause prov =>
      match ctxt.(compilation_context_current_clause) with
      | None => not_in_clause_error prov
      | Some clause_name =>
        esuccess (thisClause prov clause_name)
    | EThisState prov =>
      esuccess (thisState prov)
    | EVar prov v =>
      esuccess (EVar prov v)
    | EConst prov d =>
      esuccess (EConst prov d)
    | ENone prov =>
      esuccess (ENone prov)
    | ESome prov e =>
        (ESome prov)
        (ergo_expr_to_ergoc_expr ctxt e)
    | EArray prov el =>
      let init_el := esuccess nil in
      let proc_one (e:laergo_expr) (acc:eresult (list ergoc_expr)) : eresult (list ergoc_expr) :=
            (ergo_expr_to_ergoc_expr ctxt e)
      elift (EArray prov) (fold_right proc_one init_el el)
    | EUnaryOp prov u e =>
        (EUnaryOp prov u)
        (ergo_expr_to_ergoc_expr ctxt e)
    | EBinaryOp prov b e1 e2 =>
      elift2 (EBinaryOp prov b)
             (ergo_expr_to_ergoc_expr ctxt e1)
             (ergo_expr_to_ergoc_expr ctxt e2)
    | EIf prov e1 e2 e3 =>
      elift3 (EIf prov)
             (ergo_expr_to_ergoc_expr ctxt e1)
             (ergo_expr_to_ergoc_expr ctxt e2)
             (ergo_expr_to_ergoc_expr ctxt e3)
    | ELet prov v ta e1 e2 =>
      elift2 (ELet prov v ta)
             (ergo_expr_to_ergoc_expr ctxt e1)
             (ergo_expr_to_ergoc_expr ctxt e2)
    | ENew prov cr el =>
      if is_abstract_class ctxt cr
        efailure (ECompilationError prov ("Cannot create instance of abstract type `" ++ cr ++ "'"))
        let init_rec := esuccess nil in
        let proc_one (att:string * laergo_expr) (acc:eresult (list (string * ergoc_expr))) :=
            let attname := fst att in
            let e := ergo_expr_to_ergoc_expr ctxt (snd att) in
            elift2 (fun e => fun acc => (attname,e)::acc) e acc
        elift (ENew prov cr) (fold_right proc_one init_rec el)
    | ERecord prov el =>
      let init_rec := esuccess nil in
      let proc_one (att:string * laergo_expr) (acc:eresult (list (string * ergoc_expr))) :=
          let attname := fst att in
          let e := ergo_expr_to_ergoc_expr ctxt (snd att) in
          elift2 (fun e => fun acc => (attname,e)::acc) e acc
      elift (ERecord prov) (fold_right proc_one init_rec el)
    | ECallFun prov fname el =>
      let init_el := esuccess nil in
      let proc_one (e:laergo_expr) (acc:eresult (list ergoc_expr)) : eresult (list ergoc_expr) :=
            (ergo_expr_to_ergoc_expr ctxt e)
      elift (ECallFun prov fname) (fold_right proc_one init_el el)
    | ECallFunInGroup prov gname fname el =>
      let init_el := esuccess nil in
      let proc_one (e:laergo_expr) (acc:eresult (list ergoc_expr)) : eresult (list ergoc_expr) :=
            (ergo_expr_to_ergoc_expr ctxt e)
      elift (ECallFunInGroup prov gname fname) (fold_right proc_one init_el el)
    | EMatch prov e0 ecases edefault =>
        let ec0 := ergo_expr_to_ergoc_expr ctxt e0 in
        let eccases :=
            let proc_one acc ecase :=
                  (fun acc =>
                     elift (fun x => (fst ecase, x)::acc)
                           (ergo_expr_to_ergoc_expr ctxt (snd ecase))) acc
            fold_left proc_one ecases (esuccess nil)
        let ecdefault := ergo_expr_to_ergoc_expr ctxt edefault in
          (fun ec0 : ergoc_expr =>
               (fun eccases =>
                    (fun ecdefault : ergoc_expr =>
                       EMatch prov ec0 eccases ecdefault)
                    ecdefault) eccases) ec0
    | EForeach prov foreachs econd e2 =>
      let init_e2 := elift (EUnaryOp prov OpBag) (ergo_expr_to_ergoc_expr ctxt e2) in
      let init_e :=
          match econd with
          | Some econd =>
              (fun econd e2 =>
                 EIf prov
                     (EConst prov (dcoll nil)))
              (ergo_expr_to_ergoc_expr ctxt econd)
          | None => init_e2
      let proc_one (foreach:string * laergo_expr) (acc:eresult ergoc_expr) : eresult ergoc_expr :=
          let v := fst foreach in
          let e := ergo_expr_to_ergoc_expr ctxt (snd foreach) in
          elift (EUnaryOp prov OpFlatten)
                (eolift (fun single =>
                             (EForeach prov
                                       None) acc)
      fold_right proc_one init_e foreachs

Translate an Ergo statement to an Ergo expression
  Fixpoint ergo_stmt_to_expr (ctxt:compilation_context) (s:laergo_stmt) : eresult ergoc_expr :=
    match s with
    | SReturn prov e =>
      elift (fun e =>
               ESuccess prov
                           (EVar prov local_state)
                           (EVar prov local_emit)))
            (ergo_expr_to_ergoc_expr ctxt e)
    | SFunReturn prov e =>
      ergo_expr_to_ergoc_expr ctxt e
    | SThrow prov e =>
      elift (EError prov)
            (ergo_expr_to_ergoc_expr ctxt e)
    | SCallClause prov (EThisContract _) clname el =>
      match ctxt.(compilation_context_current_contract) with
      | None => call_clause_not_in_contract_error prov clname
      | Some coname =>
        let params :=
            if string_dec clname clause_init_name
              ((EVar prov current_time)
                 ::(thisContract prov)
                 ::(EConst prov dunit)
                 ::(EVar prov local_emit)
              ((EVar prov current_time)
                 ::(thisContract prov)
                 ::(EVar prov local_state)
                 ::(EVar prov local_emit)
        let el := emaplift (ergo_expr_to_ergoc_expr ctxt) el in
        elift (fun el =>
                   params) el
    | SCallClause _ e0 _ _ =>
      clause_call_not_on_contract_error (expr_annot e0)
    | SSetState prov e1 s2 =>
      elift2 (setState prov)
             (ergo_expr_to_ergoc_expr ctxt e1)
             (ergo_stmt_to_expr ctxt s2)
    | SEmit prov e1 s2 =>
      elift2 (pushEmit prov)
             (ergo_expr_to_ergoc_expr ctxt e1)
             (ergo_stmt_to_expr ctxt s2)
    | SLet prov vname vtype e1 s2 =>
        (ELet prov vname vtype)
        (ergo_expr_to_ergoc_expr ctxt e1)
        (ergo_stmt_to_expr ctxt s2)
    | SIf prov e1 s2 s3 =>
        (EIf prov)
             (ergo_expr_to_ergoc_expr ctxt e1)
             (ergo_stmt_to_expr ctxt s2)
             (ergo_stmt_to_expr ctxt s3)
    | SEnforce prov e1 None s3 =>
      elift3 (EIf prov)
             (elift (EUnaryOp prov OpNeg) (ergo_expr_to_ergoc_expr ctxt e1))
             (esuccess (EError prov
                               (EConst prov (enforce_error_content prov ""))))
             (ergo_stmt_to_expr ctxt s3)
    | SEnforce prov e1 (Some s2) s3 =>
      elift3 (EIf prov)
             (elift (EUnaryOp prov OpNeg) (ergo_expr_to_ergoc_expr ctxt e1))
             (ergo_stmt_to_expr ctxt s2)
             (ergo_stmt_to_expr ctxt s3)
    | SMatch prov e0 scases sdefault =>
      let ec0 := ergo_expr_to_ergoc_expr ctxt e0 in
      let sccases :=
          let proc_one acc scase :=
                (fun acc =>
                   elift (fun x => (fst scase, x)::acc)
                         (ergo_stmt_to_expr ctxt (snd scase))) acc
          fold_left proc_one scases (esuccess nil)
      let scdefault := ergo_stmt_to_expr ctxt sdefault in
        (fun ec0 : ergoc_expr =>
             (fun sccases =>
                  (fun scdefault : ergoc_expr =>
                     EMatch prov ec0 sccases scdefault)
                  scdefault) sccases) ec0

  Definition ergo_stmt_to_expr_top (ctxt:compilation_context) (prov:provenance) (e:ergo_stmt) : eresult ergoc_expr :=
    elift (fun e =>
             ELet prov
                  (EVar prov this_state)
                  (ELet prov local_emit None
                        (EVar prov this_emit)
          (ergo_stmt_to_expr ctxt e).

Translate a clause to clause+calculus

  Definition clause_to_calculus
             (sta:option laergo_type)
             (c:laergo_clause) : eresult (local_name * ergoc_function) :=
    let ctxt : compilation_context := set_current_clause ctxt c.(clause_name) in
    let prov := ProvClause (loc_of_provenance c.(clause_annot)) c.(clause_name) in
    let emit_type := lift_default_emits_type prov c.(clause_sig).(type_signature_emits) in
    let state_type := lift_default_state_type prov sta in
    let throw_type := default_throws_type prov in
    let output_type :=
        let response_type' := c.(clause_sig).(type_signature_output) in
        match response_type' with
        | None => None
        | Some response_type =>
          let success_type := mk_success_type prov response_type state_type emit_type in
          let error_type := mk_error_type prov throw_type in
          Some (mk_output_type prov success_type error_type)
    let body :=
        match c.(clause_body) with
        | None => esuccess None
        | Some stmt =>
          elift Some (ergo_stmt_to_expr_top ctxt prov stmt)
    let clname := c.(clause_name) in
    let params :=
        if string_dec clname clause_init_name
          ((current_time, (ErgoTypeDateTime prov))
             ::(this_contract, tem)
             ::(this_state, ErgoTypeUnit prov)
             ::(this_emit, ErgoTypeArray prov (ErgoTypeNothing prov))
          ((current_time, (ErgoTypeDateTime prov))
             ::(this_contract, tem)
             ::(this_state, state_type)
             ::(this_emit, ErgoTypeArray prov (ErgoTypeNothing prov))
      (fun body =>

Translate a function to function+calculus
  Definition function_to_calculus
             (f:laergo_function) : eresult ergoc_function :=
    let prov := f.(function_annot) in
    let body :=
        match f.(function_body) with
        | None => esuccess None
        | Some e =>
          elift Some (ergo_expr_to_ergoc_expr ctxt e)

Translate a contract to a contract+calculus
For a contract, add 'contract' and 'now' to the comp_context

  Definition contract_to_calculus
             (c:laergo_contract) : eresult ergoc_contract :=
    let clauses :=
        emaplift (clause_to_calculus ctxt c.(contract_template) c.(contract_state)) c.(contract_clauses)

Translate a statement to a statement+calculus
  Definition declaration_to_calculus
             (d:laergo_declaration) : eresult (list ergoc_declaration * compilation_context) :=
    match d with
    | DNamespace prov ns => esuccess (nil, ctxt)
    | DImport prov import => esuccess (nil, ctxt)
    | DType prov ergo_type =>
      let name := ergo_type.(type_declaration_name) in
      if in_dec string_dec name (map type_declaration_name
                            (ctxt.(compilation_context_new_type_decls) ++
                             ctxt.(compilation_context_type_decls))) then
        efailure (ECompilationError prov ("Cannot redefine type `" ++ name ++ "'"))
        esuccess (nil, compilation_context_add_new_type_declaration ctxt ergo_type)
    | DStmt prov s =>
        (fun x => (x::nil, ctxt))
        (elift (DCExpr prov) (ergo_stmt_to_expr_top ctxt prov s))
    | DConstant prov v ta e =>
        (fun x => (x::nil, ctxt))
        (elift (DCConstant prov v ta) (ergo_expr_to_ergoc_expr ctxt e))
    | DFunc prov fn f =>
        (fun x => (x::nil, ctxt))
        (elift (DCFunc prov fn) (function_to_calculus ctxt f))
    | DContract prov cn c =>
        (fun x => (x::nil, ctxt))
        (elift (DCContract prov cn)
               (let ctxt := set_current_contract ctxt cn in
                contract_to_calculus ctxt c))
    | DSetContract prov cn e1 =>
      let ctxt := set_current_contract ctxt cn in
        (fun x => (x :: (DCConstant prov this_state None (EConst prov dunit)) :: nil,ctxt))
        (elift (DCConstant prov this_contract None)
               (ergo_expr_to_ergoc_expr ctxt e1))

Translate a module to a module+calculus
  Definition declarations_calculus
             (dl:list ergo_declaration) : eresult (list ergoc_declaration * compilation_context) :=
    let proc_one
          (acc:eresult (list ergoc_declaration * compilation_context))
        : eresult (list ergoc_declaration * compilation_context) :=
          (fun acc : list ergoc_declaration * compilation_context =>
             let (acc, ctxt) := acc in
             elift (fun decls : list ergoc_declaration * compilation_context =>
                      let (decls, ctxt) := decls in
                      (acc ++ decls, ctxt))
                   (declaration_to_calculus ctxt d))
    fold_left proc_one dl (esuccess (nil, ctxt)).

Translate a module to a module+calculus
  Definition ergo_module_to_calculus
             (p:laergo_module) : eresult (ergoc_module * compilation_context) :=
      (fun res : list ergoc_declaration * compilation_context =>
         let (decls, ctxt) := res in
            decls, ctxt))
      (declarations_calculus ctxt p.(module_declarations)).

  Definition ergo_modules_to_calculus
             (pl:list laergo_module) : eresult (list ergoc_module * compilation_context) :=

  Section Examples.
    Definition f1 : laergo_function :=
      mkFunc dummy_provenance
                (("rate"%string, ErgoTypeDouble dummy_provenance)::nil)
                (Some (ErgoTypeAny dummy_provenance))
             (Some (EConst dummy_provenance (dfloat float_one))).
    Definition f2 : laergo_function :=
      mkFunc dummy_provenance
                (("rate"%string, ErgoTypeDouble dummy_provenance)::nil)
                (Some (ErgoTypeAny dummy_provenance))
             (Some (EThisContract dummy_provenance)).
    Definition cl1 : laergo_clause :=
      mkClause dummy_provenance
                  (("request"%string, ErgoTypeClassRef dummy_provenance default_request_absolute_name)::nil)
                  (Some (ErgoTypeAny dummy_provenance))
               (Some (SReturn
                        (ECallFun dummy_provenance "addFee"
                                  (EConst dummy_provenance (dfloat float_zero)::nil)))).
    Definition cl2 : laergo_clause :=
      mkClause dummy_provenance
                  (("request"%string, ErgoTypeClassRef dummy_provenance default_request_absolute_name)::nil)
                  (Some (ErgoTypeAny dummy_provenance))
               (Some (SReturn
                        (ECallFun dummy_provenance "addFee"
                                  (EThisContract dummy_provenance::nil)))).
    Definition co1 : laergo_contract :=
        (ErgoTypeClassRef dummy_provenance "TemplateModel"%string)

    Definition dl1 : list laergo_declaration :=
      (DFunc dummy_provenance "addFee"%string f1)
        :: (DContract dummy_provenance "VolumeDiscount"%string co1)
        :: nil.

    Definition dl2 : list laergo_declaration :=
      (DFunc dummy_provenance "addFee"%string f1)
        :: (DFunc dummy_provenance "addFee2"%string f2)
        :: (DContract dummy_provenance "VolumeDiscount"%string co1)
        :: nil.

  End Examples.

End ErgotoErgoC.