Module ErgoSpec.ErgoC.Lang.ErgoC

ErgoC is an intermediate language for the Ergo compiler in which:

Abstract Syntax

Require Import String.
Require Import ErgoSpec.Common.Utils.Provenance.
Require Import ErgoSpec.Common.Utils.Result.
Require Import ErgoSpec.Common.Utils.Names.
Require Import ErgoSpec.Common.Types.ErgoType.
Require Import ErgoSpec.Backend.ErgoBackend.
Require Import ErgoSpec.Ergo.Lang.Ergo.

Section ErgoC.

  Section Syntax.

    Definition ergoc_expr := laergo_expr.

    Record sigc :=
        { sigc_params: list (string * laergo_type);
          sigc_output : option laergo_type; }.

    Record ergoc_function :=
        { functionc_annot : provenance;
          functionc_sig : sigc;
          functionc_body : option ergoc_expr; }.

    Definition bodyc_annot (f:ergoc_function) : provenance :=
      match f.(functionc_body) with
      | None => f.(functionc_annot)
      | Some e => expr_annot e
    Record ergoc_contract :=
        { contractc_annot : provenance;
          contractc_clauses : list (local_name * ergoc_function); }.

    Inductive ergoc_declaration :=
    | DCExpr : provenance -> ergoc_expr -> ergoc_declaration
    | DCConstant : provenance -> absolute_name -> option laergo_type -> ergoc_expr -> ergoc_declaration
    | DCFunc : provenance -> absolute_name -> ergoc_function -> ergoc_declaration
    | DCContract : provenance -> absolute_name -> ergoc_contract -> ergoc_declaration.

    Record ergoc_module :=
        { modulec_annot : provenance;
          modulec_namespace : string;
          modulec_declarations : list ergoc_declaration; }.

  End Syntax.

  Section Semantics.

  End Semantics.

  Section Evaluation.
  End Evaluation.

End ErgoC.