Module ErgoSpec.Common.Utils.PrintTypedData

Require Import Ascii.
Require Import String.
Require Import List.

Require Import ErgoSpec.Backend.ErgoBackend.
Require Import ErgoSpec.Common.Utils.Misc.
Require Import ErgoSpec.Common.Utils.Result.
Require Import ErgoSpec.Common.Utils.Provenance.
Require Import ErgoSpec.Common.Utils.NamespaceContext.

Require Import JsAst.JsNumber.

Local Open Scope string.

Section PrintTypedData.
  Definition print_brand (nsctxt:namespace_ctxt) (b:string) : string :=
    match get_local_part b with
    | None => "~" ++ b
    | Some local_name =>
      match resolve_type_name dummy_provenance nsctxt.(namespace_ctxt_current_in_scope) (None,local_name) with
      | Success _ _ resolved_b =>
        if string_dec resolved_b b
          "~" ++ b
      | Failure _ _ _ =>
        "~" ++ b
  Section Data.
    Context {br:brand_relation}.

    Definition unpack_output
               (out : ergo_data)
      : option (ergo_data * list ergo_data * ergo_data) :=
      match out with
      | (dleft (drec (("response", response)
                        ::("state", state)
                        ::("emit", dcoll emits)
                        ::nil))) =>
        Some (response, emits, state)
      | _ => None

    Definition fmt_nl := String.String (ascii_of_N 10) EmptyString.
    Definition fmt_dq := """".

    Fixpoint string_of_data (nsctxt:namespace_ctxt) (d : ergo_data) : string :=
      let jsonify := ErgoData.data_to_json_string fmt_dq in
      let string_of_rec : list (string * ergo_data) -> string :=
          fun rec =>
                ++ (String.concat
                      ", "
                         (fun item =>
                            (fst item) ++ ": " ++ (string_of_data nsctxt (snd item)))
                ++ "}") in
      match d with
      | dunit => "unit"
      | dnat z => Z_to_string10 z
      | dfloat f => to_string f
      | dbool true => "true"
      | dbool false => "false"
      | dstring s => jsonify (dstring s)
      | dcoll arr =>
           ++ (String.concat
                 ", "
                 (map (string_of_data nsctxt) arr))
           ++ "]"
      | dleft s => "some(" ++ (string_of_data nsctxt s) ++ ")"
      | dright _ => "none"
      | dbrand (b::nil) d' => print_brand nsctxt b ++ (string_of_data nsctxt d')
      | dbrand _ _ => "???more than one brand???"
      | drec r => string_of_rec r
      | dforeign (ErgoEnhancedModel.enhanceddateTime dt) =>
        "dateTime(""" ++ DateTimeModelPart.DATE_TIME_to_string dt ++ """)"
      | dforeign (ErgoEnhancedModel.enhanceddateTimeinterval dti) =>
        "duration(" ++ DateTimeModelPart.DATE_TIME_DURATION_to_string dti ++ ")"
      | dforeign _ => "???UnknownForeign???"

  End Data.

  Section Types.
    Import ErgoCTypes.
    Context {br:brand_model}.

    Fixpoint rtype_to_string
               (nsctxt:namespace_ctxt) (t : rtype₀) : string :=
      match t with
      | Bottom₀ => "Nothing"
      | Top₀ => "Any"
      | Unit₀ => "Unit"
      | Nat₀ => "Integer"
      | Float₀ => "Double"
      | Bool₀ => "Boolean"
      | String₀ => "String"
      | Collr' => (rtype_to_string nsctxt r') ++ "[]"
      | Reck srl =>
        let recend : string :=
            match k with
            | Closed => ""
            | Open => " .."
          "{" ++
                (", ")
                (map (fun sr => ((fst sr) ++ ": " ++ (rtype_to_string nsctxt (snd sr))))
                     srl)) ++ recend ++ "}"
      | Eithertl tr => (rtype_to_string nsctxt tl) ++ "?"
      | Arrowtin tout => (rtype_to_string nsctxt tin) ++ " -> " ++ (rtype_to_string nsctxt tout)
      | Brand₀ (b::nil) => print_brand nsctxt b
      | Brand_ => "~" ++ "[multiple]"
      | ForeignErgoEnhancedModel.enhancedDateTime => "DateTime"
      | ForeignErgoEnhancedModel.enhancedDateTimeInterval => "Duration"
      | Foreign_ => "(unknown foreign type)"

    Definition ergoc_type_to_string
               (nsctxt:namespace_ctxt) (t : ectype) : string :=
      rtype_to_string nsctxt (ergoc_type_unpack t).

    Definition string_of_result_type
               (nsctxt:namespace_ctxt) (result : option ergoc_type)
      : string :=
      match result with
      | None => ""
      | Some typ => " : " ++ (ergoc_type_to_string nsctxt typ)

    Definition unpack_error nsctxt kind out :=
      ESystemError dummy_provenance
                   ("Cannot unpack type: "
                      ++ (string_of_result_type nsctxt (Some out))
                      ++ " (expected "
                      ++ kind ++ ")").

    Definition unpack_failure_type
               (out : ergoc_type)
      : eresult ergoc_type :=
      let osuccess :=
          match unteither out with
          | None => None
          | Some (tl, tr) => Some (tl, tr)
        (lift snd osuccess)
        (unpack_error nsctxt "either" out).

    Definition unpack_success_type
      : eresult (ergoc_type * ergoc_type * ergoc_type) :=
      let osuccess :=
          match unteither out with
          | None => None
          | Some (tl, tr) => Some (tl, tr)
      let success :=
            (lift fst osuccess)
            (unpack_error nsctxt "either" out)
      let response :=
          elift fst
                   (fun success =>
                      (eresult_of_option (ergoc_type_infer_unary_op (OpDot "response") success)
                                         (unpack_error nsctxt "response" out)))
      let emit :=
          elift fst
                   (fun success =>
                      (eresult_of_option (ergoc_type_infer_unary_op (OpDot "emit") success)
                                         (unpack_error nsctxt "emit" out)))
      let state :=
          elift fst
                   (fun success =>
                      (eresult_of_option (ergoc_type_infer_unary_op (OpDot "state") success)
                                         (unpack_error nsctxt "state" out)))
      elift3 (fun r e s => (r,e,s))
             response emit state.

    Definition unpack_output_type
               (out:ergoc_type) : eresult (ergoc_type * ergoc_type * ergoc_type * ergoc_type) :=
        (fun x y =>
           let '(respt,emitt,statet) := x in
        (unpack_success_type nsctxt out)
        (unpack_failure_type nsctxt out).

  End Types.

  Section Both.
    Context {br:brand_model}.

    Definition string_of_response
               (response_type:option ergoc_type) : string :=
      "Response. " ++ (string_of_data nsctxt response) ++ (string_of_result_type nsctxt response_type).

    Definition string_of_emits
               (emits:list ergo_data)
               (emit_type:option ergoc_type) : string :=
      match emits with
      | nil => ""
      | e1 :: erest =>
           (fun new old =>
              (old ++ fmt_nl ++ "Emit. " ++ new))
           ("Emit. " ++ string_of_data nsctxt e1)
           (map (string_of_data nsctxt) erest))
          ++ (string_of_result_type nsctxt emit_type) ++ fmt_nl

    Definition string_of_state
               (old_state : option ergo_data)
               (new_state : ergo_data)
               (state_type: option ergoc_type)
      : string :=
      let jsonify := string_of_data nsctxt in
      match old_state with
      | None => fmt_nl ++ "State. " ++ (jsonify new_state) ++ (string_of_result_type nsctxt state_type)
      | Some actual_old_state =>
        if Data.data_eq_dec new_state actual_old_state
        then ""
          fmt_nl ++ "State. " ++ (jsonify new_state) ++ (string_of_result_type nsctxt state_type)

    Definition string_of_typed_data
               (old_state : option ergo_data)
               (data: ergo_data)
               (typ: option ergoc_type) : string :=
      match data with
      | dright msg =>
        let failure_type :=
            match typ with
            | None => None
            | Some typ =>
              match unpack_failure_type nsctxt typ with
              | Success _ _ f => Some f
              | Failure _ _ _ => None
        "Failure. " ++ (string_of_data nsctxt msg) ++ (string_of_result_type nsctxt failure_type)
      | out =>
        match unpack_output out with
        | Some (response, emits, state) =>
          let '(response_type, emit_type, state_type) :=
              match typ with
              | None => (None, None, None)
              | Some typ =>
                match unpack_success_type nsctxt typ with
                | Success _ _ (r,e,s) => (Some r, Some e, Some s)
                | Failure _ _ _ => (None, None, None)
          (string_of_emits nsctxt emits emit_type)
            ++ (string_of_response nsctxt response response_type)
            ++ (string_of_state nsctxt old_state state state_type)
        | None => (string_of_data nsctxt out)

    Definition string_of_typed_result
               (old_state : option ergo_data)
               (result : option ergoc_type * option ergo_data) : string :=
      match result with
      | (_, None) => ""
      | (typ, Some dat) => (string_of_typed_data nsctxt old_state dat typ) ++ fmt_nl
  End Both.

End PrintTypedData.